Saturday, April 20, 2019

IMP Questions of OOPS using CPP

OOP's Using C++



Thursday, February 1, 2018

OOPs using C++ Language Topics Covered


Programming Model or Programming Paradigm, Procedural programming, Object oriented programming
OOP's ( Object Oriented Programming System)
Advantages of OOP's (OOP's के लाभ )
Disadvantages of OOP's (OOP's की हानियाँ )
Applications of OOP’s (OOP's के अनुप्रयोग )
pre defined streams (cin, cout) for input and output in cpp
formatted and unformatted console io operations in c++
Introduction to C++ Language (History of C++)
Characteristics of C++


Basic Program Structure of C++
Preprocessor Directives in C++
C++ stream class
Datatypes of C++ language
Tokens of C++ language
Manipulator of C++
Operators precedence in CPP
referencing and dereferencing operators in Cpp
Scope resolution operator or Scope access operator
Type Casting in C++
C++ program to find ASCII value of given character...
C++ program for swapping using third variable.
C++ program for swapping of two variable without u...
C++ program to calculate area of circle.
Control Structure
if block
if else block
Nested if else block
Ternary operator or Conditional operator (?:)
C++ program to find that given number is even or o...
C++ program to check whether given year is Leap ye...
C++ program to find greatest / largest among three...
C++ program to claculate percentage and print divi...
C++ program for HCF and LCM
switch case statement
C++ program for day validation using switch case
C++ program for month validation using switch case...
C++ program for date validation using switch case....
C++ program to perform arithmetic operations. (bas...
C++ program for temperature conversion
C++ program to check whether given alphabet is vow...
C++ program for parking Two Wheeler,Four wheeler a...
for loop
while loop
do while loop
break statement
continue statement
goto statement
return statement
exit function
C++ program to calculate factorial of a number usi...
C++ program to print Fibonacci series of N numbers...
C++ program to print Nth term of Fibonacci series....
C++ program to check whether a given integer is pr...


Function in C++ language
call by value vs call by reference cpp swapping ex...
C++ program to calculate factorial of a number usi...
Recursion,Types of Recursion,Advantages and Disadv...
C++ program to calculate factorial of a number usi...
C++ program to print fibonacci series of N numbers...
Class and Class Example Programs:-
Local object vs Global object in Cpp
cpp program to load and store records of N student...
cpp program to load and store records of N employees.
cpp program to load and store records of N products using class.(inline function)
member function and inline function of class
Access Modifiers in C++ ( public, private, protect...
static data member and static member function of c...
friend function of class in C++
friend class
Function overloading with examples


constructor function of a class
default constructor
Parameterized constructor
Copy constructor, Multiple Constructor, Constructo...
C++ program for Complex Number Addition using mult...
C++ program to show Addition of Complex number, Mu...
C++ program for Rational Number Addition using mul...
Destructor in C++
Operator overloading with examples in C++
C++ program to overload unary - minus operator for...
C++ program to overload unary - minus operator for...
C++ program to overload unary minus operator for v...
C++ program to overload unary minus operator for v...
C++ program to overload ++ increment operator for ...
C++ program to overload ++ increment operator for ...
C++ program to overload Binary - minus operator fo...
C++ program to overload Binary - minus operator fo...
C++ program to overload binary plus operator for v...
C++ program to overload binary plus operator for v...
Inheritance access specifiers, public, private, pr...
Inheritance in C++
C++ program for Single Inheritance
C++ program for multiple inheritance
ambiguity problem and resolution in multiple inheritance, virtual base class, multipath inheritance
C++ program for Hierarchical inheritance
C++ program for multilevel inheritance
C++ program for Hybrid inheritance
Multipath Inheritance , virtual base class


pointers, pointer of class, pointer to class, poin...
Array 1D array, 2D array, MultiD Array
C++ program for Linear search .
C++ program for Matrix Multiplication.
array of class , array of objects
Virtual function, Pure Virtual function and Abstra...
pure virtual function or abstract class in C++

Other Important Topics

Function overriding in C++
function overloading vs function overriding
new and delete operator
this pointer in C++
String Handling or String class in C++
Creating string object in C++
Characteristics of string and accessing characters...
Manipulating string object in C++
Comparing, Swapping and Relational operators of St...
Template ( class template and function template ) ...
Class template in C++
Function template in C++
C++ program for Stack Template
Exception handling ( try,catch and throw) in C++
Throwing mechanism
Catching mechanism
Multiple catch statement
Catch all exceptions
Rethrow an Exception
Specifying an exception